Friday, January 29, 2016

Santa Says Never Give Up On Your Dreams Gif

For many years I had a dream and pursued it but gave up as soon as it got too stressful for me. That is obstacles that I couldn't handle. I've spent quite a few years working on myself, my spiritual self and I'm seeing why I would always give up on my dreams. One of the things that's been helping a lot is a book titled "Battlefield of the Mind" written by Joyce Meyer. I strongly encourage anyone who is trying to build a business at home to read this book. Work on your spiritual self and let God lead you. Ever since I've been doing that I've become a lot happier, more patient and calm and less controlling. Every now and then satan comes in and tries to take me down but God is always there for me encouraging me to come back and to shove satan out the door.

This is me being transparent but I'm just hoping I can help someone to pursue their dreams and finish it!

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